Amazing Affordability In Southwest Florida

Published On: October 16, 2018 Posted by: SB Realty
According to, “first-time home-buyer millennials and retiring Baby Boomers looking for a deal may be coming to the rescue in Southwest Florida’s residential market”.
At the 2018 News-Press Market Watch Real Estate Convention at Germain Arena, “more than 1,000 people were on hand to gauge the market pulse from industry experts“. says that “total single-family and multifamily permits increased 28 percent in Lee, Collier and Charlotte counties year-over-year, with Lee leading the way”.
They also said that “on the home front, more buyers are looking for “value” properties, those under $300,000, and builders who cater to that demand are benefiting”. According to Thibaut, “the millennials are coming and they are buying homes because they’re having families”.
To read more about the booming Southwest Florida real estate market, click here.